Leerom Medovoi Ph.D.
Professor, Department of English

Office: 445 Modern Languages Bldg
Lee Medovoi is a Professor of English at the University of Arizona. A graduate of the Ph.D. program in Modern Thought and Literature at Stanford University, he was the founding director of the Portland Center for Public Humanities and is currently a member of the PMLA editorial board. He is the author of Rebels: Youth and the Cold War Origins of Identity (Duke 2005), and has published numerous articles on global American studies, biopolitical theory, critical race studies, and ecocriticism in such journals as Cultural Critique, Minnesota Review, Screen, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, Mediations, New Formations, American Literary History, and Social Text. He is the principal investigator for a collaborative, three-year Mellon Foundation research grant through the Consortium of Humanities Center and Institutes on the topic of "Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging in a Global Age." Lee is currently at work on two book-length projects titled: The Second Axis of Race: Biopolitics of the Dogma Line and Global Allegoresis and World-System Literature.