Get Involved
The University of Arizona is home to several communities that align with the Department of Gender & Women's Studies mission to promote and support teaching, research and outreach that works to contest the historical, ongoing and pervasive gender-based oppressions within society.
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)
Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) works to motivate female students to enter careers in science, engineering, mathematics and technology and to support them in their studies.
Women's Studies Advisory Council (WOSAC)
Women's Studies Advisory Council (WOSAC) is a member-based community organization that promotes and supports the students and faculty of the University of Arizona Gender & Women's Studies Department and its activities.
Women's Plaza of Honor
Women's Plaza of Honor is a warm, inviting and meditative gathering place located on the University of Arizona campus for the purpose of publicly and permanently celebrating women, and funding an endowment for Gender & Women's Studies.
Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW)
Southwest Institute for Research on Women (SIROW) is the research institute branch of the University of Arizona Gender & Women's Studies Department. Its mission is to conduct interdisciplinary, inter-institutional research, professional development, and outreach programs dealing with women's issues.