Jill M. Williams
Director, Women in Science and Engineering Program

Office: GWS Building, 202a
Dr. Jill Williams stepped in as WISE Director in November of 2014. Before taking this position, Jill completed an MA in Women's Studies from the University of Cincinnati and a PhD in Geography from the Graduate School of Geography at Clark University. She has worked extensively with the Geographic Perspectives on Women Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers to increase diversity in the field of geography and promote feminist geographic research more broadly.
In addition to developing and implementing outreach and student engagement opportunities as Director of WISE, Jill also maintains an active research agenda focused on understanding contemporary border and immigration enforcement policies and their effects.
You may contact Jill at JillMWilliams@arizona.edu if you are interested in getting involved with WISE or have other questions.
Ph.D., Geography, Clark University, 2013
M.A., Women’s Studies, University of Cincinnati, 2008
Selected Publications
Forthcoming, July 2015. Jill M. Williams. “From Humanitarian Exceptionalism to Contingent Care: Care and Enforcement at the Humanitarian Border.” Political Geography. Currently available online.
Forthcoming. Jill M. Williams. “The safety/security nexus and the humanitarianization of border enforcement.” The Geographical Journal. Published online 24 November 2014.
2014 Jill M. Williams. 13 January. “Intervention—The Spatial Paradoxes of ‘Radical’ Activism.” http://antipodefoundation.org/2014/01/13/the-spatial-paradoxes-of-radica...
2013 Jill Williams and Vanessa Massaro. “Feminist Geopolitics: Unpacking (In)Security, Animating Social Change.” Geopolitics. 18(4): 751-758.
2013 Jill Williams and Geoffrey Alan Boyce. “Fear, Loathing and the Everyday Geopolitics of Encounter in the Arizona Borderlands.” Geopolitics. 18(4): 895-916.
2013 Vanessa Massaro and Jill Williams. “Feminist Geopolitics: Redefining the Geopolitical, Complicating (In)Security.” Geography Compass, 7(8): 567-577.
2013 Amy Lind and Jill Williams. “Engendering Violence in De/Hyper- nationalized Spaces: Border Militarization, State Territorialization, and Embodied Politics at the US-Mexico Border.” In Feminist (Im)Mobilities in Fortress(ing) North America: Rights, Citizenships, Identities in Transnational Perspective. Anne Sisson Runyan, Marianne Marchand, Patricia McDermott, and Amy Lind, editors. New York: Ashgate. 156-170.
2012 Geoffrey Boyce and Jill Williams. “Intervention—Homeland Security and the Precarity of Life in the Borderlands.” Antipodefoundation.org http://antipodefoundation.org/2012/12/10/intervention-homeland-security-...
2011 Jill M. Williams. “Protection as Subjection: Discourses of Vulnerability and Protection in Post-9/11 Border Enforcement Efforts.” CITY: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, 15(3-4): 414-428.
2008 Amy Lind and Jill Williams. “Afianzando los derechos de las mujeres: militarizacion fronteriza, seguridad nacional y violencia contra las mujeres en la frontera Mexico-Estados Unidos”. In Mujeres y Escenarios Ciudadanos. Mercedes Prieto, editor. Quito: FLACSO-Ecuador.